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Quality Kitchen Equipment VS Cheap Equipment Guide

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

Learn the difference between which equipment is considered quality, and which equipment brands you should stay away from.


Quality VS Cheap Equipment and How to Tell the Difference!

How to tell between whats good quality and what's bad? When it comes to manufacturing, there are 2 ways brands go about producing goods and they are:

A) Supervised Manufacturing

B) Unsupervised Manufacturing

Supervised manufacturing means that the manufacturing process is being monitored for product perfection and product performance. Unsupervised manufacturing means the employees are producing goods with no oversight leading to poor quality products.

Many people believe that all items that are made in China are poor quality. This is not always the case. Manufacturers such as Valpro Refrigeration, and Axis Cooking Appliances produce their items in China under strict supervision. This ensures the quality of the product.

When we purchase an item, we are not just paying for the product, but also the service! Cheaper brands tend to have very poor customer service and warranty service. The better brands cost more; however, they have superior parts and service compared to the cheaper brands such as Avantco.

Brands such as Avantco or Cooking Performance Group are cheaper for a reason. The parts and service is also cheap, which is why the price is so low. You will never see poor quality brands in any successful foodservice business establishment. The quality of the equipment and service is usually reflected in the price.

The warranty service tells you everything you need to know about how long the product will generally last without issues. When a manufacturer says that they warranty a freezer with 1 year parts and labor, what they are actually saying is that they guarantee it will work for at least 1 year without problems. If the duration of the warranty terms are higher, that a sure sign you are a looking at a superior product.

In summary, it is imperative to not only look at where the items is made, but to also observe the manufacturing process, and warranty service the manufactur has to offer. Speak with your local Coney Island Restaurant Supplies sales representative near you about questions and concerns you have regarding what equipment you wish to purchase.

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